Wow soooooo much has happened since my last post in October (shocking it has been so long between posts)
I have been very busy with wedding stationery, drving tests, sick kids, dotty cats and the like so I will do a brief summary so you know what has happened.
Cora my little old lady cat, sadly passed away at the end of October... she was much loved and is still bitterly missed. She didn't go out without fighting and the vet was under no illusions that she was unimpressed by his diagnosis. It was the right decision to let her go as sadly her kidneys has shut down and she was 18.
Her last day with us was very happy and she knew she was loved.
2 weeks later I had my driving test. I didn't feel like sitting it, However I did and I passed with flying colours. I went out a few days later and ordered my car.... she is lovingly name Doris...

The wedding season started to calm down so I immediately went into overdrive with Xmas fayres :) 6 to be exact.. Exhaustion levels increased proportionally to the devastation that filled my house.
December is for me traditionally a very busy month. Church meetings increase, Nativity Practices, the children go out to sing at nursing homes, on Christmas day the band goes out to the hospital to sing and play Carols to those who have to stay in over the festive season. Katie had an operation on the 22nd for more steroid injections for her arthritis... and a visit to Miss Shanna in the Leukaemia ward was in order to give her a wave. She started her bone marrow transplant tomorrow morning. Hopefully she will be able to be allowed home soon and live a normal life.
Friday night saw the Hogmany party at church... lots of fun and festivities were celebrated together. Followed by me driving off into the darkness for a weekend in Rosyth.... !!! ooo heck!.
Here are 2 of the cards that were made as orders. one for my gran to give to her sister. and the other an order for a lady's grand daughter called Poppy. Poppy lives in Australia and her Gran wanted some tartan on her card.